Table Of Contents
1.Car Eligibility
3.Safety Equipment
4. Driver Required Safety Equipment
Car Eligibility:
All factory unibody and full frame cars are allowed as they came from the factory. Frame swapped cars and tube chassis cars will be assessed on a case by case basis for safety and competitive advantage. Cars found to have a competitive advantage may be moved in class or given other restrictions to level the field. Chassis reinforcement is allowed in all cars.
Note: Classing rules may change after our first race to help keep things fair. A tire size & brand rule may be coming in 2023.
Classing: All cars will choose one of the three classes.
Three Classes to pick from:
Sipper 10 gallons per stop maximum capacity of 22 gallons
Gulper 15 gallons per stop maximum capacity of 28 gallons
Chugger 20 gallons per stop maximum capacity of 32 gallons
All classes may start full of fuel.
All fuel stops will be at least 10 min to help level the high-horsepower cars’ ability to just put down fast laps and burn lots of fuel.
No maximum for drive time will be set. If your car and driver can safely go four hours on 20 gallons then you may be able to win A class.
Make sure that your driver is as capable as the car to go the distance. If a driver is not performing well in a long stint, we reserve the right to require a driver change at any time. WE ARE WATCHING!

Tires must be 200 or higher treadwear. Only one tire may be changed each stop. (Find the best tire you can this year but 2023 may see a tire brand rule.)
No more than 8 tires total for 24 hour races or 12 for 36 hour races. Any additional tire installed on the car is allowed, but will incur a 1 lap penalty.
These rules are to help keep costs down and help small teams be competitive.
Fuel tanks and fuel cells: Stock tanks must be in stock location. Fuel fillers may be relocated. Fuel cells must be mounted in a safe and secure manner/location. All fuel lines and fillers must have a fire wall sealing them from the driver.
Safety equipment:
Roll cages: Minimum requirements are those of the SCCA GCR 9.4 for production-based cars.
Seats: Must be a purpose built race seat with a fixed back and have a FIA or SFI marker, and must be in good condition.
Seat belts: Must be five or six point. All belts must meet SFI 16.1 or 16.5 specifications; or be homologated to FIA 8853/98 or 88534/98 standards. Belts must bear clear, unmodified labels indicating their specification compliance or homologation status.
Expiry: If a manufacture date is present the belts shall expire in December of the fifth year after the date of manufacture. Belts meeting FIA specifications must have all belts labeled with their date of expiration and can be used until December of the expiration year shown on each belt.
Arm restraints: SFI or FIA-certified arm restraints are required and must be utilized in all open cockpit cars.
Window net: Drivers side window nets are required in all cars. Nets must be attached to roll cage. Nets must be SFI 27.1 or FIA approved and not expired.
Kill switch: The Kill switch must kill a car running at 2500 RPM. (insert image) Kill stickers are required denoting where the switch is located.
Fire system: A SFI 17.1 or FIA certified (in date & charged) fire suppression system is required. Recommend at least two nozzles protecting the driver. One activation cable or switch must be within easy reach of the driver when fully strapped in, with an additional cable or switch recommended within reach of an outside crew member.
Driver Required Safety Equipment:
Driver Disclaimer: Conformance to these regulations is the driver’s responsibility. These regulations do not guarantee or imply that injuries or death will not occur. All participants shall utilize equipment that meets or exceeds these minimum requirements while driving on track.
Helmet: Proper fitting helmet that meets Snell 2015 SA or newer (or equivalent) standards for cars.
Driving suits: Drivers are required to wear a suit that covers their entire body except for hands, feet, and head. Driving suits shall be one piece carrying an SFI 3.2A/1 rating or higher (3.2A/5, 3.2A/10, 3.2A/15, or 3.2A/20) or FIA 8856- 2000, FIA NORME 1986/1986.
Underwear: Long underwear made of fire-resistant material must be worn with all suits except those carrying a rating of SFI 3.2A/5, 3.2A/10, 3.2A/15, 3.2A/20 or FIA 8856-2000. Underwear certified to SFI 3.3 or FIA 8856-2000 is strongly recommended in all cases.
Gloves: Drivers shall wear gloves made from fire resistant material that fully covers the hands and leave no exposed skin when worn with the driving suit.
Shoes: Shoes made of fire-resistant material or common cowhide leather are required. Shoes must cover the entire foot so that there are no exposed areas of skin.
Socks: Socks made of fire-resistant material must be worn.
Head and Neck Restraint: Use of a head and neck restraint system or device, carrying an SFI or FIA certification label is mandatory for all drivers.
When the fuel filler cap is off all other work on the car must stop and every crew member that is not part of fueling must be greater than 10ft away from the car. While fueling there must be a crew member dedicated to watching for fire with a 10lb or larger fire bottle in hand with pin out. BE SAFE, YOU HAVE LOTS OF TIME!
Fuel rigs: No fuel rigs are allowed.
Fuel cans: Number of and design of cans is open, but cans may contain no more than five gallons each. The five gallon point must be marked clearly for all to see. If you want to prove you only put in your class’s maximum amount of fuel, take a Cellphone video showing your fuel stop so that there is no question. If the team next to you is putting in more fuel than is allowed, take a video and bring it to a pit marshal.
It’s up to all of us to keep it fair–no proof, no way to penalize the team doing wrong. Cheating on fuel gets you a 5 min stop and go the first time and DQ the second time. Play the right way or go home!
Any rule-related questions may be directed toward
Any Team may protest a decision, act of another entrant, driver or crew
whose actions the team believes to violate the Rules.
Protests must be based on evidence.
Filing a protest
The following are requirements to protest. A protest must:
In writing, specify the rules that are alleged to have been violated.
Signed by Team representative.
Be delivered to the Race Director, or to an Assistant delegated to
receive protests.
Must be filed within one hour of becoming aware of the incident.
Reviewing a protest
For any protest the partys or witness must be
heard separately and privately.
The race official will make the ruling on the sport or it may need to go up the chain of command.
Any team, entrant, driver, crew member, or event attendee
may be penalized.
The following is a general guideline.
Incident | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
4-O ff/Spin (Same driver) |
Furled Black Flag or Black Flag/Pit Road (Oficial will talk to driver) (Depending on Severity). |
Black Flag – May be sent to change driver. | Black Flag – Driver may be removed from race |
Metal-to-metal (Both cars continue) |
Furled Black Flag or Black Flag/Pit Road (Oficial will talk to driver) (Depending on Severity). |
Black Flag – May be sent to change driver. |
Black Flag – Driver recommended to be removed from race. |
M etal-to-metal (Either car goes off) |
Black Flag.- Driver(s) Oficial will talk to drivers |
Black Flag – May be sent to change driver. | Black Flag – Driver or Team may be removed from race on 3rd offense |
Impact Off Track Surface | Black Flag – Inspect car Oficial will talk to driver |
Reinspect – If it is the same driver, that driver may be removed from race. |
Team (Any driver) – Team may be removed from race on 3rd offense |
Major Error in Fueling/Service Procedure |
5-Minute Penalty Stop |
15-Minute Penalty Stop |
45-minute Penalty Stop |
Too Much Fuel (over-fueling) | 15-Minute Penalty Stop |
30-Minute Penalty Stop |
Team Removed from race. |
A major error in fueling/service is something that can’t be corrected with a
quick reminder – (i.e., visor up and being told to put it down and then
doing it isn’t a major error.) The discretion should be the amount of effort
and time to correct the issue. Major issues would be fuelers not wearing
gear, spills, others working on the car while fueling. The exception here is if
a person is working “under” a car – no matter how quickly it’s corrected if a
crew member is working “under” a car – defined by laying on pit road or
needing to have more than your feet/knees touching the ground while the
service is done is a major error.
Participants may file an appeal when new evidence is found, or it is believed
there may have been misapplication of rules.
Only the Race Director or Oficial Granted said power may make the decision to remove a driver or team
from the car, race or to apply time-based penalties. I.e., a 5-minute penalty
for a pit-road violation.